Saab Parts UK recommends changing your cambelt every five years
Cambelt failure is no joke and unfortunately, if this happens to you, major expensive engine damage is the inevitable result. As one of the hardest working parts in any vehicle, the cambelt drives and controls several important parts of the engine, keeping everything working together with perfect timing. Changing it prevents snapping, cracks or tears and so significantly reduces the risk of costly damage.
Now the good news!
Johnsons Cars new Fixed Price Repairs service has been extended to include a cambelt change for just £349 (TiD) or £399 (TTiD) including tensioners, idlers and a new water pump. That means you can now insist on warranted Saab Genuine Parts for a fixed price including fitting. So you know exactly what the job is going to cost. And that it will be carried out by an experienced technician. Giving you the peace of mind that your vehicle is in the best hands – as well as in the best condition.