

Used Peugeot Cars For Sale at Johnsons

At Johnsons Cars, it’s our aim to ensure that our customers have access to the very best models at all times. That’s why, in addition to the new cars we provide, we’re delighted to have one of the finest used car selections around - including a frequently updated lineup of used Peugeot cars. This lineup - detailed on this page - incorporates a variety of vehicle styles and trims, with everything from the compact Peugeot 108 through to the manufacturer’s multi-award winning SUV selection among those we have available.

All models in our range have been carefully inspected to ensure they offer the utmost in quality and reliability. Through a series of health and performance checks by our talented team of technicians, you can invest in any of the used Peugeots with the utmost confidence. We work to extensive manufacturer checklists, only listing a vehicle to purchase once we’re fully happy with the overall condition it offers.

When the time comes to buy any used car, you need to take cost into consideration. Spreading the purchase over an agreed period of time enables you to break the price down into manageable monthly repayments, with our Hire Purchase and Personal Contract Purchase agreements both offering affordable rates of APR. You can also look out for our latest special offers in order to secure even better value for money.

Click on the used Peugeots listed in order to find out more about what is provided in terms of performance and features. Our new buy or reserve online system, meanwhile, makes it easy to invest, with a holding deposit of just £99 required to reserve the vehicle of your choice.