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Smart Repair at Johnsons

Small scratches, scuffs and dents are not only unsightly, but have a negative effect on the value of your car. In the past, cars in need of cosmetic repair would have been sent to a conventional body shop, meaning that you would be without your car while the repair work took place, and potentially facing a large bill. Thankfully, many small scratches, scuffs and dents can be repaired using SMART techniques.

The SMART repair concept was originally created to offer the motor industry a fast, cost-effective solution to assist in the cosmetic repair of used vehicles. SMART Repair Insurance now lets you take advantage of this new solution to ensure your vehicle looks as good as new by repairing minor bumps and scratches as they happen.

SMART Repair Insurance will pick up these costs for up to 36 months, up to a maximum of £3,000 for bodywork repairs.


  • Make an unlimited number of claims, up to the maximum aggregate claim limit of £3,000.
  • Up to £1,000 per claim
  • Helps Protect the future resale value of your car.
  • Protects the future resale value of your car.
  • Maintains the appearance of your car.
  • Professional repair, carried out at a time convenient for you.
  • All repair work is guaranteed for the life of the vehicle ownership by you, the policy holder.

All amounts quoted are inclusive of VAT.


SMART Repair Insurance covers you for a sudden and unforeseen event resulting in accidental damage to your vehicle, which can be described as one of the following:

  • Scratches – means a scratch to the vehicle body panel not exceeding 30cm in length, and not extending over more than two body panels.
  • Minor dent – means a dent to a metal body panel not exceeding 30cm in diameter, where the panel has not been ripped, torn or perforated and the dent is not within 3cm of the edge of the panel.
  • Scuffed bumper – means damage to the bumper of the vehicle, up to 30cm in diameter and sits within one body panel.
  • Stone chip – a chip up to 3mm in diameter which will be filled and sealed to prevent corrosion. Please note that stone chip repair damage will remain slightly visible.


  • Damage that is not SMART repairable.
  • Damage to the bonnet, boot and roof will be subject to stone chip repairs only.
  • Damage incurred more than 30 days before the claim is reported.
  • Damage to your alloy wheels.


You will be eligible for this policy if you are:

  • The registered keeper or hirer of the vehicle.
  • The vehicle is used principally in the UK, Ireland, Channel Islands or the Isle of Man.
  • The vehicle is not a commercial vehicle weighing over 3.5 tonnes, or a vehicle used for hire and reward.

Please ask your dealership for a copy of the policy documentation.

SMART repairs, Johnsons Cars


  • Check the damaged area to ensure the required repair work falls within the specified guidelines detailed within your policy documentation.
  • Contact the claims department on 01926 622 660 within 30 days of the damage occurring.
  • Please have your vehicle registration or policy number to hand.
  • Premia Solutions will fully explain the claim process to you, and issue you with a claim form to complete and return to us along with pictures of the damaged area.
  • On receipt of your fully completed claim form, Premia Solutions will assess your claim based on the policy terms and conditions.
  • Once a claim has been successfully authorised, a date for the repair work to be undertaken will be scheduled at your convenience.


Any work carried out prior to authorisation by the administrator will not be covered and will render the claim invalid. It is important that you follow the claims procedure provided, failure to follow the procedure may result in your claim being rejected.


A SMART repair is one where the technician can typically complete the repair within two hours and will be to best endeavours. Where a SMART repair cannot be achieved, the vehicle will require a bodyshop repair which is not covered by this insurance policy.

All aftermarket repairs vary from that of an automotive factory finish, which is machine sprayed to a degree beyond that achievable by human capability.